We have a visit from a friend every week who then drives my husband to an evening event.
Fair drove her husband out of his mind as well.
A few days later I drove my husband past our new acquisition.
A correspondent, who wishes to remain anonymous, drove her husband to a Manhattan hospital where he was to undergo brain surgery.
"Then I drove my husband to Connecticut last week," she said.
She drove her husband away with her jealousy; he got a divorce and the children.
Instead, she wants to find out herself why he did it, and drive her husband to insanity by building on his vanity and paranoia.
Whatever demons were driving her husband, she just hoped it wasn't too late to drive them away.
She discovered she had cancer over the phone while driving her husband to the hospital, who was suffering from cancer as well.
She was the pushy wife who drove her husband out of the home or behind his newspaper.