Conan dropped his left shoulder and charged, driving his powerful legs hard.
Jake was able to draw his knees up a little, and when the hand tightened again, Jake drove his legs forward.
I dived for the ground, rolled onto my back, pushed myself backward by driving my legs into the dirt.
The courtiers trudged on again, driving their legs through the deep snow.
Within moments, there was nothing but pain - and the fear of a horrible death that drove his legs.
Mitch launched himself down the hill, fear and fury driving his legs, bellowing out of his lungs.
Snow followed him, panic driving his legs.
Nicholas drove his legs one more time, beating them down toward the lake bed.
He then finished with a clever dive that prevented the cover from driving his legs into touch.
And now he forced himself to rise, swaying on stiffened knees, but driving his legs, torso, everything into activity.