The two would continue their rivalry on race tracks all across Europe, driving each other to higher levels of competitiveness.
Low hydro-levels had driven the wholesale market spot prices to very high levels.
By the end of the trial, 80 percent had the amount of virus circulating in their blood driven to very low levels.
Inflation fell because the central bank drove interest rates to impossibly high levels that, left alone, would have crushed economic activity.
He studied hard, performed his duties to perfection, and constantly drove himself to higher levels of achievement.
"This market is being driven by entrepreneurial capital with access to high levels of debt," he said.
Such aggressive investing can drive financial prices to insupportable levels.
One is that competition has driven down the prices of calls on all three long-distance companies to levels fairly close to their costs.
A contract would engage young people and drive them to higher levels of achievement.
The striped bass was driven to low levels early in the 1980s.