They took lunch in the car, in the parking lot behind a drive-through restaurant.
Rally's operates more than 300 drive-through restaurants, owned by both the company and franchisees, in 22 states.
The choices listed range from drive-through restaurants to upscale establishments.
The company also opened 50 new outlets, of which about 40 are expensive drive-through restaurants.
The other, a drive-through restaurant, will be near Bordeaux on the A-10 highway.
No fast food or drive-through restaurants are allowed in San Marino.
Afterward he will surely find work thawing hamburgers for a drive-through restaurant.
Otto drives the school bus to a drive-through restaurant where his girlfriend, Becky, works.
"A drive-through restaurant would've been fine," Gray said, checking his watch.
They had stopped at a drive-through restaurant in Jackson, then at a rest stop to eat and let Beast out.