Six people aboard a sloop were washed overboard and rescued, while a tugboat was driven aground on a reef at Kukuiula.
Two that had sought refuge in Magdalena Bay were driven aground.
The Nella Dan dragged her anchor and was driven aground just metres off the island.
The ship was eventually driven aground at Wellfleet, Massachusetts.
But before the ship could sink, it was driven aground.
During the night, the saga records that a merchantman dragged its anchor and was driven aground.
In the midst, like a wrecked ship driven aground, lay the chariot with a dead horse beside it.
We will be forced to tack now, she thought, or we will be driven aground.
To east or west we would be driven aground.
Roofs were torn off more than two dozen homes, and a score of boats, both large and small, were driven aground.