For starters, all drivers must comply with state law, which forbids idling for longer than three minutes.
If the driver does not comply, one simply needs to call the police (dial 100) and mention the cab's license number and the driver's name.
The act of calling the police on your cell phone usually makes the driver comply with your request to be taken to your destination.
When the driver did not comply, Hajyano shot at the car.
Laws and regulations regarding how drivers must comply with a stop sign vary by jurisdiction.
Additionally, each driver must comply with a host of state and federal laws.
Other drivers comply with the law, but will only carry the minimum liability coverage that is required by the state.
He added that the driver had complied with all Federal regulations concerning rest breaks by drivers.
And they would require some trucks to carry "black boxes," which the police could use to determine whether drivers were complying.
In one cab where a radio was playing when the rider entered, the driver complied immediately with a request to turn it off.