Many drivers are neither properly licensed nor trained, vehicles are poorly maintained, and public vehicles are often overloaded.
He decides to use the family car to jump over a row of cars, but is unsuccessful and results in his drivers license being revoked by Joe.
Intended to combat identity theft, the law covers breaches that put certain information at risk, specifically credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, drivers license information and bank account numbers.
For example, credit cards, monthly billed accounts like utility bills or cell phone bills, social security numbers, drivers license numbers, medical insurance accounts, and many others.
People that get their drivers license taken away can use use bicycles or public transit.
Won $1.8 Million in 1987 As a result, Woosnam, who won a record $1.8 million playing golf around the world in 1987, lost his drivers license suspended until April 1, 1988.
It sold its drivers license ID business, but it can still go after the corporate ID business, which is burgeoning all over the world.
During the campaign, The Washington Post reported about incumbent Michael A. Brown's notices of foreclosure, property tax delinquency, drivers license suspensions, and Internal Revenue Service lien.
In the passenger seat was Mr. Mickens, though his drivers license identified him as Thomas Harris.
Any name, address, social security or tax ID's, birth date, drivers license numbers, passport numbers, occupation and phone numbers of all parties involved with the activity.