The Audi followed, spinning slightly on the wet road, the back end swinging round as the driver revved too hard.
The driver of the car revved the engine and made a sudden U-turn, the police said.
The driver revved the engine, and turned from the line of torture-palms to the station road.
Vehicles started up, and the drivers revved the engines.
The soldiers scrambled up into the rear of the truck, and the driver revved the engine and let out the clutch.
Now the driver of the Datsun was revving his engine like a kid in a muscle-car waiting for the light to turn green.
The driver revved the engine of the skimmer in answer.
A catastrophe was only avoided after its driver violently revved the engine and let the clutch in.
The gibbons began their early morning calls in the forest behind us as the driver revved the motor and set off.
The driver revved the motor but that only made things worse.