SlimDrivers is a freeware driver-update program designed to use community-sourced feedback to recommend driver updates.
Even with the right chipset, Internet sharing will require driver updates.
The Asus Zenbook is particularly notable here: an otherwise strong machine was initially rendered almost unusable by its trackpad (though later driver updates have improved the pointing device somewhat).
Manufacturers will be expected to add GL support via downloadable driver updates.
He also included some driver updates, making the maintenance of the 2.6.16 series very similar to the old rules for maintenance of a stable series such as 2.4.
Major vendors such as 3ware, Adaptec, LSI Logic, and Areca also do frequent driver updates and provide decent technical support.
Compatibility issues between these sound cards and nForce4 motherboards have been ongoing, even following driver updates.
Recent driver updates have resolved this issue.
It also provides notification of available software and driver updates, upgrades, and patches.
The frequency of driver updates increased in late 2004, releasing Linux drivers every two months, half as often as their Windows counterparts.