Ahead, Betise turned into the driveway of her house and stopped in front of the garage.
Colby's looking at the coroner's van, which has just pulled in to the driveway of Jack's house.
When we pulled into the driveway of my house, my wife ran out to greet us.
And guess what, on Monday, I saw in the driveway of his house?
This afternoon, she pulled into the driveway of her house in a white pick-up truck.
He watched her pull into the driveway of the travel agent's house.
There's probably one parked in the driveway of my old house.
Once he stole a woman's handbag as she was unloading packages in the driveway of her house.
He was gunned down this morning in the driveway of his house.
There was a maroon car in the driveway of her house when we got there.