No one knows exactly whether the slan ship landed at the palace or dropped a message and then disappeared.
"Dropping a big fat message on our doorstep," Cross grumbled.
Pilots then flew over the unit command post and observers dropped a written message confirming the radio call.
You might be able to locate her from the air and drop a message.
Rolf caught the stone on its first bounce, thinking meanwhile that the bird was mad to drop a message to him in this way.
But again it passed over harmlessly-this time without even dropping a message.
At 12:50 an aircraft dropped a message that there was no traffic on the road south from Quneitra.
While Jones was launching a boat, a plane dropped a message inquiring whether it were safe to land troops.
Anyone knowing the street address can go to the door and drop a written message through the slot.
We'll see if our friend drops a message in my pocket on the ride home tonight.