Analysts have predicted that last week's drop in stock prices might produce a number of such offers.
The sharp drop in estrogen can also produce mood swings.
The steep drop in the sea has already produced dire effects in Central Asia.
But net theory had never been able to determine what those critical moments were or how much slippage any given drop might produce.
It came at the same time as an unforeseen drop in foreign milk production produced a surge in demand for American dairy products.
The decrease in airflow over the wings of the aircraft causes a drop in the amount of lift produced.
The sudden and complete drop in hormone levels usually produces extreme withdrawal symptoms such as hot flashes, etc.
A severe drop in blood pressure produces this coolness.
The sharp drop from the surrounding land to the lake produces the numerous waterfalls for which the North Shore is famous.
The drop in pressure produces a phenomenon called adiabatic cooling, which may sufficiently cool the air to cause its water vapor to begin to condense.