For from the first tree, which is torn from the ground with broken roots, drops of black blood trickle and stain the earth with gore.
Glistening drops of blood stained the concrete steps of the stairwell.
Somehow, a small drop of the murdered man's blood had stained his tunic, and he felt the need for a ritual cleansing before dinner.
A bright drop of blood welled up from the prickedskin and stained the tip of the engraved Toledo blade.
A crimson drop stained his lower lip.
They'd all eaten well that night, but not a drop of blood had stained his teeth since.
I popped two in my mouth and bit down, surprised as a drop of sweet burgundy juice stained my beard.
A single drop of crimson stained the pale skin of her neck.
Not a drop stained the white lace doily.
A few more drops stained the table linens.