Last month, the Tanzanian daily The Citizen said the East African Community was pleading with members to drop trade barriers and help food flow across borders.
Trade ministers from more than 100 countries met in Qatar this week and agreed to an agenda to drop trade barriers.
Throughout his tenure, Mr. Rubin also encouraged the free flow of capital around the world by pressing countries to drop trade barriers and open their banking systems to global competition.
Trade Shift by China Is Seen China is willing to drop trade barriers in return for membership in the World Trade Organization, Administration officials say.
Will the borderless nature of the Internet force governments further down a road that has already led them to drop trade barriers, harmonize tax policies and form currency unions?
The Government has dropped trade barriers and is trying to privatize its industries.
The European Community's move this year to drop internal trade barriers "is a very protectionist move, and Japan has never been easy," said Mrs. Hettinga.
They are all concerned about possibly being isolated when the 12-nation European Communtiy drops trade and other barriers, creating a single market after 1992.
As part of its bailout package, South Korea agreed to drop certain trade barriers.
The President has said he will curb skyrocketing health care costs, flood the streets with police officers and create thousands of new jobs by dropping trade barriers with Mexico and Canada.