A 20-foot motor home, suitable for two persons, is $190 a night, with a $400 drop-off fee and a 10-night minimum rental.
You may also have to pay a one-way drop-off fee.
All include unlimited mileage, and there are no drop-off fees.
For a trip from Calgary to Vancouver, budget £1,265 per person, based on four sharing, including transfers, one hotel night on arrival, 950 free miles and one-way drop-off fee.
If a renter on this plan does not return the car to the original country, there is no drop-off fee.
Hertz also has a system for renting in one of 16 countries and dropping off in another for a lower drop-off fee: about $55, calculated in local currency.
There is no drop-off fee, and the one-way rental charge is substantially less than a corresponding taxi fare.
The drop-off fee for cars left in another city is about 40 cents a mile.
It says a driver picking up a vehicle in San Diego and taking it one way to Seattle would be charged a drop-off fee of $250.
In fact, there's a drop-off fee that-" Kesev tried to keep from shouting.