Other drought areas denounced the extreme flooding that destroyed the rest of their crops.
Still another concern is how much water the washers consume, which is important in California, other drought areas and states where water is scarce.
Muddy Pastures Now Rains have fallen on some drought areas in recent days.
This constituency comes under drought prone area where every year farmers are facing problems of water.
One difficulty in making accurate cost estimates is that the drought area continues to change.
In 2010 all six sub-districts were declared drought areas by provincial authorities.
In addition, dust from drought stricken areas was carried aloft into the storm system, falling to the ground and thus coating cars in mud.
Below normal precipitation leads to drought, which is caused by an above average persistence of high pressure over the drought area.
Car-rental companies can take their cars to car washes that use well water or have them washed outside of the drought area.
As the spring of 1988 arrived, the two major drought areas had expanded to such a degree that they nearly met in the middle of the country.