The making of artificial snow began to grow significantly after a drought in 1977 devastated some resorts.
If drought or bush fires had devastated the country and curtailed food supplies, babies got short shift.
Floods and drought have devastated North Korean agriculture since 1995.
Further, since the river suffered from a weak flow droughts were devastating to the region.
First, the recurring droughts had devastated the country's main areas where pulses and oilseeds were grown.
Many droughts devastate the island and the state of the poor population only worsens.
The ranch prospered for many years, but a severe drought devastated the ranch in the early 1860s.
Evidence is also mounting that severe droughts and floods devastated a number of early civilizations.
During 1974-75 a drought devastated the pastoral economy.
Yes, floods and droughts devastated China this year; but its coming ordeal is man-made, too.