Q. You've written that "because most medical journals are dependent on drug ads for their survival, it probably also influences what they publish."
The new Ecstasy campaign uses satire and direct talk to try to escape the pitfalls of some past drug ads.
Rampant drug ads targeted to the clueless consumer already do that.
Many also think that drug ads have caused drug prices to rise.
The many reservations and pitfalls associated with ethical drug ads have not put a damper on their growth.
Critics say that the majority of drug ads promote products that are not very good.
Critics note that drug ads costs money which they believe have raised the overall price of drugs.
Federal rules say drug ads must present a fair, accurate account of both benefits and risks.
But neither company - perhaps because of their roots in Europe, where drug ads are not allowed - has distinguished itself as a marketer.
The typical drug ad shows a person in pain, which disappears if one takes this or that medicine.