The film was rated R for violence, sexual situations, gore, language, and drug content.
Of the 40 games labeled for drug content, more than two dozen were released in the last three years.
It has sexual material, including dialogue, partial nudity, language and drug content.
In additon, the washings were stored and analysed for drug content by the same method.
This film is rated PG13 for intense sumo violence, some drug content, sexual references and brief strong language.
In this case, genes for high drug content are selected from both parents while other desirable characteristics can be selected from either one.
The video has been restricted to night-time play because of its drug content.
It wasn't necessarily the drug content or the guns or anything.
It includes strong language and drug content.
After numerous cuts, it was released with an R rating for "strong sexuality, nudity, violence, language, and some drug content."