Free on $125,000 bail, Ms. Labensky had three things going for her that distinguished her from a typical drug defendant.
A lawyer who wins some of these cases will often find himself summoned to a jail to appear before more prominent drug defendants, several lawyers said.
The statute of limitations has expired on any perjury he committed during prosecution of the drug defendants.
Prosecution of the officers could jeopardize the indictments and convictions of drug defendants in many cases stemming from arrests by the unit.
Though the most prominent, it is not the only case in which Mr. Bissell has been criticized for seizing the assets of drug defendants.
But in the past, he has dismissed criticisms of his office as coming from drug defendants, "all a bunch of of liars and thieves."
The site was initially modest and free, the seeming product of a drug defendant's fit of pique.
The two drug defendants had been free on bond awaiting trial, but were immediately held on $1 million bail after the shooting.
Prosecutors can still seize drug defendants' property as part of a single criminal proceeding, and that is what they have largely done.
They were accused of lying in court and missing court appearances to have charges against drug defendants dismissed.