Studies show that the drug enhances the effects of chemotherapy but does not appear to be effective when given alone in patients with colorectal cancer.
Another 29% reported using the drugs to "enhance sexual performance," the researchers write.
Similar studies are being conducted to determine whether the drugs can enhance standard treatment regimens for patients who already have cancer.
Scientific advances mean new drugs can enhance the quality of life and even save lives for thousands of seniors.
Many of those studied had taken anabolic steroids or other body-building drugs to enhance their muscular development.
It is generally widely accepted that these drugs enhance cognitive functions, but not without potential side effects.
The drug enhanced everything, providing a phenomenal visual, aural, and tactile experience.
The drug enhances the action of serotonin, as Prozac does, and also makes the nerve cells more receptive.
If drugs don't enhance performance what's the point in testing for them?
Find someone who thinks Olympic athletes who use drugs to enhance their performance should be banned from further competition.