The clinical section consists of blood pressure, temperature and second pulse, pupillary size and reaction test (conducted in a dark room), examination for signs of drug ingestion (or injection) and a third pulse.
Urine analysis also recovered 45 to 88 percent of unchanged AMPT after drug ingestion.
A standard test of approximately one-and-one-half inches of head hair cut close to the scalp can provide a several month window to detect drug ingestion.
While distributive shock can also be caused by anaphylaxis, drug ingestion, neurogenic injury, and adrenal insufficiency, these conditions are seen with less frequency in the intensive care unit.
Multiple drug ingestion (including alcohol) is common in deliberate tricyclic antidepressant overdose.
The disorder usually appears in older patients treated over a period of several years, but in rare cases acute dyskinesia has been noted after only minimal drug ingestion.
Analyses for drug ingestion had ruled out the presence of LSD, PCP, amphetamines, cocaine, or opiates.
In recent years, grandparents' homes have become increasingly common sites for potentially poisonous drug ingestion by children, Dr. Bond said.
The most commonly reported severe effect following SSRI overdose is serotonin syndrome; serotonin toxicity is usually associated with very high overdoses or multiple drug ingestion.
Apparently respiration was the current method of choice for drug ingestion.