Rebecca Green was taken aback to learn that drug profits could be so huge.
Those drug profits are finding their way into the economy in this island nation.
His personal share of the drug profits is also in the millions of dollars a year, he admitted with some embarrassment.
They said the ring had funneled "millions" in drug profits to the contras.
On the other hand, a policy designed to maximize drug profits would be just like the one we have.
A big problem is that the drug profits are repatriated as contraband goods.
They have also been encouraged by the government to launder drug profits through the legitimate Burmese economy.
But the fast cars and easy money that flow into the poor neighborhoods on a tide of drug profits are a powerful opponent.
The overwhelming majority of our officials are hard working professionals, who would never contemplate accepting drug profits.
Some of the drug profits from those sales went to the contras.