In season 6 Kill Switch, the two banter and joke while having to search an entire beach for a drug stash.
You have both been quite entrepreneurial-from stealing and reselling your father's drug stash to put food on the table, to teaching yourself graphic design to earn a living.
Any man with such clumsy locks couldn't be paranoid about anyone stealing his drug stash.
One boy found the drug stash in the plane and has figured out the pilot was using the flight to smuggle.
His men, searching abandoned houses in the Eighth Ward, have found drug stashes.
Together Nina and Monella begin an erotic and passionate relationship that leads to a plot to steal Johnny's drug stash hidden in a safety deposit box.
She found the drug stash, and substituted saline for the Pentothal.
Later, while raiding a drug stash in Pimlico, Herc and Carver do steal money for themselves.
After he goes on a mission to defend a drug stash, he found out that Andreas, the leader of Assassinos, got killed in a drive-by.