The Netherlands' special synthetic drug unit, set up in 1997 to coordinate the fight against designer drugs, appears to be successful.
The drug unit spent nearly $200 million, or 24 percent of sales, on that effort.
Some analysts said the deal was too costly, particularly since the merged drug unit projected losses for this year and next.
At least 10 large research-based companies have generic drug units.
A small section has been opened up in the local drug unit to deal with the issue.
It also provides for a permanent drug unit in each of the city's 75 precincts, doubling the number that now exist.
So, for example, a hospital that wanted to close a drug unit could not simply dismiss the dozen nurses who worked there.
A step up from the bozos in the drug unit?
Meanwhile, the drug unit is fighting high costs and $6.1 billion of debt.
He goes to this drug unit and helps at the library.