Many poor countries do not have sufficient monitoring systems for tuberculosis identification or laboratories that can detect drug-resistant forms.
Those who stop and start their medication risk developing a drug-resistant form of the disease, which is harder to treat.
When the city was threatened by a drug-resistant form of tuberculosis at the end of the 20th century, his approach provided the guideline.
Later, tuberculosis reappeared in a drug-resistant form and was controlled.
But in people who stop and start their medication, the disease can recur in drug-resistant forms that can be passed on to others.
Patients who stop too soon risk developing the drug-resistant form of tuberculosis.
But it is clear that malaria, and its drug-resistant forms, are on the rise.
In 2011, India developed a totally drug-resistant form of tuberculosis.
One case of a drug-resistant form of the bacterium was found in Madagascar in 1995.
The weaker germs die off, and the strongest reproduce themselves into new, drug-resistant forms.