He lost a sister in a drunk-driving accident and was reportedly sexually abused as a child.
After several years of decline, the number of teen-agers dying from drunk-driving accidents is on the rise.
The motorcyclists are shown as dead and mutilated victims of a massive drunk-driving accident.
The two remained married until Richardson died in a drunk-driving accident in 1991.
"It's like blaming a drunk-driving accident on General Motors or a brewery."
People just can't believe that she died in a drunk-driving accident.
"I like sitting down with victims of domestic violence or drunk-driving accidents and telling their story," she said.
"The most common form of injury or 'sickness' for that age group are drunk-driving related accidents."
In May 1998 Strzelczyk's father died after being paralyzed in a drunk-driving accident.
You could call that a drunk-driving accident, but it was his own fault for being drunk.