The morning after his drunken incident he is involved in a press conference where he is expected to step-down from the managerial position.
In 2010 Polo was banned by the club for one week following a drunken incident in a Sydney hotel.
She left after a drunken incident which confirmed for her that "the Catholic church has no place for women really".
"It's embarrassing, but this wasn't a run-of-the-mill drunken driving incident."
His son James was dismissed from the Army in 1947 for conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman after a drunken incident.
He made a dramatic public apology after a drunken incident in 1998, and thereafter became an outspoken advocate of changing drinking habits.
She had Garcia's face tattooed on her breast after a drunken incident when the sheriffs went to Miami, Florida.
Teammate Darren Daulton, who was with him during the drunken incident, was also injured.
They did not seek tax-subsidized medical attention after a barroom brawl or a drunken wall-punching incident.
Barton was later fired due to a drunken incident following a performance, and Double Trouble became a power trio.