The sight and smell of the boy's vomit triggered a chain reaction amongst the drunken youths.
Other drunken youths joined in the chase.
Both this morning and the one before I was woken up at 2am, 3am and 4am by very loud drunken youths in the streets outside.
Gravestones and wreaths have been wrecked at the town's public cemetery on a number of occasions by drunken youths.
A drunken youth would not return a tape that the RIT students favored.
In some other countries, the roadblocks are often an encounter with hungry, drunken youths itching to show their authority.
The drunken youth scowled as darkly as such a foolish face could.
On Christmas Day 2002, a drunken youth fell to his death at the same point.
"Up here," confesses a drunken Tasmanian youth, "we are all racist."
"Let the tribe of the drunken youth pay a fine."