He has also pleaded no contest to drunken-driving charges.
Mr. Kaufman pleaded not guilty to the drunken-driving charges.
He was acquitted of one drunken-driving charge, but a trial on his latest arrest is scheduled for next month.
La Russa, meanwhile, declined to talk about his arrest earlier this week on a drunken-driving charge.
Two years ago, Ditka was arrested on a drunken-driving charge.
He had neglected to report two drunken-driving charges on his pilot's medical application.
Fifteen officers have been arrested on drunken-driving charges so far this year.
He appeared in the news last week, for his arrest on a drunken-driving charge.
Judge Leavitt thought she was referring to an ambulance run, but the woman's son had appeared before him in court years ago on a drunken-driving charge.
Hampton was arrested Monday night in Arkansas on a drunken-driving charge.