Stir in 25g (oz) chopped peanuts and 5ml (1tsp) dried mixed herbs.
There's even a section on drying herbs that charitably suggests that children give them as gifts to people who like to cook (including their teachers).
She watched as he laid coin and cloth on the table in her small house, so aromatic of drying herbs and the brews from them.
Starr led them back into the house to a kitchen filled with drying herbs and spices.
Tomorrow at 2 p.m., garden demonstration of harvesting, drying and storing herbs.
Drying herbs and preparing potions could be learned within the warmth of a lodge.
Today, they are a cottage industry, canning tomatoes, drying flowers and herbs, and making herb vinegar and wine.
This is often an advantage, especially in situations where drying is the desired outcome, like drying herbs or roasting certain types of vegetables.
All the end of the hut, under the eaves, was festooned with drying herbs.
Weekends are a time for rustic activities like gathering berries from the hedgerows, drying herbs and putting up preserves.