Soon we leave the river and the old sleepy buildings and now climb to some sort of a dry, meadowy plateau.
Toward late afternoon the east wind intensified, sweeping across the dry plateau like a scimitar.
They passed pillars of rock in the middle of trees, and rounded them to emerge in dry plateau.
Soon, he passed a dry plateau with date palms growing in its declivities and followed the ship's shadow to more fertile soil.
They are planting in areas like this cool, dry plateau 280 miles northwest of Sao Paulo.
The Osprey-style jump jet touched down on an empty stretch of highway, cutting over a high, dry plateau.
In August, the hot, dry plateau is the scene of the annual bison rut.
The upland areas are particularly rich in plant life, while the drier inland plateau is less so.
Then I set to work, collecting quantities of sage, brittlebush, creosote, and other plants that grew on this high, windswept, dry plateau.
Sometimes, tramping across Videssos' dry plateau, he'd thought the whole country made of dust.