Whenever a dry stretch threatened to lull me into drowsiness, along came another incredible piece of evidence that stirred my blood again.
This hot red cache would be a treat later on, during the long dry stretch between here and New Orleans.
The city has a noticeably drier stretch from June through September.
The best sites are dry, sandy stretches of acidic soils in full sunlight.
He found a hard dry stretch of sand and took off his shirt and stepped back into the water and lay down.
We emerged on a dry stretch of open ground.
On a dry stretch of wall she saw one that depicted a man who had just lost an arena battle to a tiger.
After a damp first week of April, there has been a dry stretch in the Northeast, he said.
One story tells of a cowboy crossing a long dry stretch of prairie.
They should help you over the dry stretch, and after that there's water most of the way north.