Plus what an EC an on certain dry-cleaning solvents will mean and the dangers lurking in your local swimming pool.
Flush with one of the liquid dry-cleaning solvents.
Flush (the method of applying stain remover to loosen staining materials and residue from stain removers) with one of the dry-cleaning solvents.
Dry cleaning Olefin is not recommended, because many dry-cleaning solvents can swell the fibers.
If any stain remains, repeat the above process using amyl acetate (do not use this step on cotton and linen), and flush with one of the dry-cleaning solvents.
If stain persists on cotton and linen only, try flushing it with a few drops of acetone, then rinse with one of the dry-cleaning solvents.
Flush with one of the dry-cleaning solvents and allow to dry.
This includes everything from dry-cleaning solvents, pesticide-manufacturing byproducts, explosives, lead-based paints, battery acid and even certain household cleaning products, for starters.
Note, too, that dry-cleaning solvents frequently destroy a raincoat's water-repellency.
Reliance on septic fields has created problems, including groundwater contamination from dry-cleaning solvents at two shopping centers.