Another social trend - the rise of dual-career families - is also reflected in the guide.
Although three-fourths of the men are in dual-career families, not one shares equally in the housework and child care.
Nevertheless, existing camps have had little trouble filling their bunks as the number of dual-career families has increased.
In today's time of dual-career families, it is not realistic to assume that most people who use cloth diapers will wash their own.
Quality child care has become a national priority with the prevalence of the dual-career family.
Other factors are busy, dual-career families and normal procrastination.
And it is realistic to assume that in dual-career families, many people would wash their own.
His son is starting out in an age of dual-career families and changing roles for men and women.
In dual-career families, the parents are also sharing household tasks, including the rotation of kitchen duty.
Currently, there is little uniformity in the way that dual-career families are treated.