Purchasing drugs under the current system means the consumer is inadvertently supporting a range of dubious, criminal and immoral activities.
Instead the BFA decided to hide its debt and began a series of dubious activities.
But of all Koresh's dubious activities it was gun dealing that would bring him in to conflict with authority.
Gloha wasn't eager to remain in this region of constant dubious activity.
But no; why would they need to prepare people for the punishment of someone they had already caught in dubious activity?
Nonetheless, acting was considered a dubious activity in the 18th century.
The most surprising people have been caught in dubious activities in the last 10 years - all the way up to the level of our national life.
All dubious activities are done out of view.
Many years later he met his teacher, Silva Ramos, and told him of those dubious activities.
But name a dubious commercial activity of interest to American law-enforcement or intelligence agencies, and chances are someone has been caught doing it in Colon.