The government, they said, was in the dubious position of holding people indefinitely without charging them with a crime.
He could not, must not, be placed in any dubious position!
The council's dubious legal position has been one of forces tying Mr. Shevardnadze's hands in the current crisis.
"I'm in the dubious position of owning everything I made," he said.
"You knew you were in a very dubious position?"
Parental love has a dubious position in this play.
Monolith - A mythic troll hero figure of dubious position.
But that was as far as you could go and often he became in a rather dubious position himself through doing that sort of thing.
This does not fall within our competences and to say it does puts us in a legally dubious position.
Fourthly, we have a dubious common position from the Council and now, fifthly, we stand at the end of the second reading.