ABATE's arguments against helmet laws are largely based on the dubious premise that they violate individual rights or invade privacy.
But their quest is founded on dubious premises and will only harm poor families with children.
Apart from embodying the dubious premise that all children must develop at the same pace, these standards are often marked by an extraordinary specificity.
At that moment the character becomes a mouthpiece for the director, who bases the story's surprise ending on this dubious premise.
Mayor Dinkins still grounds his opposition on that dubious premise.
The dubious premise of bailing out bankrupt thrifts is that America needs a separate savings and loan industry.
He accepts uncritically the dubious premise that present growth is something we need to cure one way or another.
The exemption was based on the premise, dubious enough in 1922, that baseball was not interstate commerce.
Curiously, both schools of thought proceed from the same dubious premise - that Saddam Hussein has greater staying power than the awesome coalition arrayed against him.
It has developed a minor cult following as an unintentional comedy for its dubious premise, poor production quality and strange setting.