The adoption of a pen name also served to obscure Evans' somewhat dubious marital status (she was openly living with the married George Henry Lewes).
And we did not let our dubious status as a 'married' couple spoil our somewhat irregular honeymoon.
Now, in a realignment perhaps more attuned to today's geopolitical realities, this dubious status is being transferred to the Japanese and emerging Asian economies.
Today, they enjoy a dubious status: pest.
The General Theory appears to have assumed the dubious status of a 'classic': a work to which everyone refers but which no one reads.
The yellow variegation found in those of dubious sexual status is bright and jolly too.
The first is that it must surely have dubious theological status.
In such households, there's an abiding fear of doing anything that might call attention to the dubious status of some of its members.
Tung of the dubious current status had been captain-owner of the Triumph, once, before Tau Verde.
One of the first things we discovered about his dubious status in this world was that while he could see himself in mirrors, nobody from our world could.