Anti-smoking groups exploited that emotion effectively with their "Truth" advertisements, which highlighted the lies and dubious tactics used by the tobacco industry.
When these areas start to tackle their own endemic gang culture, perhaps the police will drop some of their aggression and admittedly dubious tactics.
I've been worrying about Fergie's dubious tactics of late, and once again he disappoints me.
A dubious tactic, that phone call seemed to be.
Using freedom of speech/press issues to limit this investigation is a deeply dubious tactic.
Exploiting an opponent's ignorance of a rule is a dubious tactic to inculcate in 9-to-12-year-olds.
It looks like highly dubious tactics by police.
The first is the filibuster, once a dubious but rare tactic that has recently been turned into routine obstructionism.
When it comes to movies these days, he said, studios seem to be actually looking to television for guidance, a dubious tactic.
Debate included accusations of dubious tactics made against the promoters of the bill.