This will help to minimize conductive heat loss through the duct walls.
The drawback of a forced-air system is that heat can be lost through the duct walls if they are not wrapped with insulation.
The test showed that the cancer was "invasive," but that means only that the tumor is no longer confined within the duct but has broken through the duct wall and begun to invade surrounding breast tissue.
He backed away a little, and I jammed my feet into the duct walls and shook the line loose and knotted it around his trunk, above the nostril, and pulled it tight.
This means that the higher the local pulling force is, the higher the friction will be which the cable is experiencing while being pulled against the internal duct wall.
He placed the bomb between his knee and the duct wall, then let it slide down between leg and wall, catching it with his foot.
The rest he stacked around the duct walls.
With IDC, cancer cells start in a milk duct, break through the duct walls, and then invade fatty breast tissue.
Lining can also be done on the duct wall along with uniform flow through ducts brings the noise down considerably.
Therefore, the mechanical interface between the ACI system and the boiler is through the duct walls, and high-pressure boiler tubing will not be affected by the retrofit of ACI.