Although respect for the bear did not preclude killing it, due apology had to be made, and strict rules governed the disposal of its carcass.
With due apologies for advertising our department I think readers may find the recent research findings of one of our PhD candidates interesting.
With due apologies, I gratefully steer away from this presumptuous subject; I love you, old man.
Little did they know that the old man would become the king of the road once again, with due apologies to Roger Miller of songwriting fame.
"With all due apologies to Yari, I'm afraid I can't eat any more of this delightful meal after hearing a story like that."
He was given the currency that Shabbir had sent back from the bunkers, with due apologies for the currency that had been burnt for making tea.
Then, with all due apologies to T. S. Eliot, April becomes the kindest month; it is an unbroken month of college!
So, without further ado - and with due apologies - here's the info relating to last week's show.
Smuts' obstinateness became the butt of jokes, some of which described South Africa as "a democracy, with due apologies to Jan Smuts".
After due apologies for the mistake, the artist went with the stranger to his house in order to paint a daughter's portrait.