That Young Marius did not pass out was purely due to pride; the pain was truly frightful.
That they have been elevated to their present position of importance in the world is due purely to the great achievements of Rome and Romans.
International marketing differs from its domestic counterpart due purely to the differences in the political, social, cultural and economic environment between countries.
She shared this role with Frida Leider, who received greater acclaim due purely to her superior acting skills.
The separation was due purely to incompatibility of temperament.
The observed correlation was due purely to chance.
Men do not commit violence due purely to personal malevolence, but are part of a larger social structure that does not view violence against homosexuals as wrong.
Time and again we are all severely shaken when there are major accidents which are due purely to technical defects.
This means that maximum performance cannot be due purely to luck or chance.
His rapid advancement in the company is due purely to his hard work, and his ability to work under pressure.