A report on the growth of the economy in the fourth quarter, due out tomorrow, could also worry investors if it is very strong.
But the report, due on Friday, is also expected to show that orders, excluding those for transportation equipment, rose 0.8 percent.
The report, due by law on April 1, was more than five weeks overdue.
The commission's report, due to go to the president by early February, will eventually be published.
Trading was listless, with no major economic reports due out until tomorrow.
Their report, due to be completed in the next few months, will include a cost estimate for stabilizing the structure.
No such restrictions apply to the commission's final report due next month.
Other reports due next week - new home sales, for example - will probably not be watched so closely, because of the severe winter weather.
An report on the religious breakdown of the council, due out three years ago, has still not been published.
The government is to hold a formal consultation on the controversial idea, with a report due to be announced in March.