And yet he recognized, it was not due simply to himself.
This has not been due simply to chance; it is the result of successful policies adopted during the past six years.
The other touchdown was due simply to a breakdown in the secondary.
It was possible, he suggested, that more cases were being discovered due simply to increased surveillance rather than an actual increase in the disease.
Republicans, however, maintain that the Democrats' advantage in 2005 was due simply to the fact that they were the incumbent party.
This means that than half of what we own is due simply to inflation, not to anything we have done to earn it.
Few could deny that some of America's success is due simply to aggressive marketing.
Not my side of things, but I imagine that any delay will be due simply to technical reasons.
Others say the technology sector was simply due for a rebound after sitting out the bull market last year.
It is due simply to the demands and the unfortunate necessities of the situation.