Due to a long-term understanding with their Latin counterparts in North America, Maronite priests in that area are expected to remain celibate.
Brass production increased during the medieval period due to a better understanding of the technology behind it.
In 1578, he resumed the fight for not only Livonia, but also everywhere due to an understanding he made with Rzeczpospolita.
System performance has increased over the years, mainly due to a better understanding of meteor burst communication characteristics and improved equipment.
In 2005 Wenedyk underwent a major revision due to a better understanding of Latin and Slavic sound and grammar changes.
Much of this knowledge had developed due to an understanding of transformers, which allowed amplification and switch-like performance when built using certain materials.
She claimed that in general, "economists simply do not understand how the global economy works" due to a poor understanding of power and an over-reliance on abstract economic models.
These epidemics were less fatal due to a greater understanding of the cholera bacteria.
These potential new treatments have come about due to a better understanding of the hepatitis C virus.
Although, this meaning is readily debatable due to Blavatskian origins, rather than a properly traditional understanding, such as may be found in the hermetic sciences.