He was also ailing and his increasingly poor health, due to his lifelong battle with tuberculosis, lead to his early death.
Their performing partnership has now effectively ended due to Sweeney's continuing battle with multiple sclerosis, which forced him to retire from stage work.
Due to his proclaimed "battle against corruption", he became one of the more popular and polarizing politicians in Poland.
But due to her mother's battle with breast cancer, she was sent home.
Sadly, due to his battle with Cancer, Paul Mitchell passed away nine years after co-founding the company.
Manley is a spokesperson for mental health issues due to her own battle with depression, which began before the 1984 Olympics.
Due to Jones' battle with breast cancer the convention's date was changed to May 27-May 28, 2011.
Christy semi-retired from the music business in 1969, in part due to her battle with alcoholism.
A music video was released for the song, but it was never released worldwide, due to the singer's battle with cancer at that time.
Michael Conrad was increasingly absent from the show due to his ongoing battle with cancer.