Weber never really achieved his full potential as an opera composer due to his early death from tuberculosis and his poor choice of libretti.
Due to their choice of living space, they cross paths with many of the metallic dragons, most notably the silvers, who are their worst enemies.
By their looks it's possible they are actually Pugbats, but could also be Skin-Birds due to their choice of habitat.
The partnership broke up due to Obzansky's choice to serve as a Mormon missionary.
This cancels the downward geometric acceleration due to our choice of coordinate system (a so-called shell-frame).
His character conflicts with Barney due to his choice to marry and adopt a baby.
Although a member of the family and cast, Lewis is rarely seen on camera due to his choice to be a recurring character.
Nancy Reagan had already disowned Patti during this period, ostensibly due to her choice of living together with Leadon as an "unmarried couple".
He was dubbed "cul-de-sac killer" due to his choice of elderly victims living in quiet suburban streets.
Due to the theater's choice to often show more esoteric films, the Palm Theatre has continually had a difficult time attracting the college community.