The institute is a well known and respected source of information that is sought after due to its new ideas and cutting-edge work on public policy.
However, via Facebook, it was announced that Roudette and Hirji had gone separate ways, due to their different new ideas for future projects.
He is almost 500 years later still revered by them due to his ideas.
He was a respected professor but was overlooked for promotion due to his Cartesian ideas.
Due to its many novel and valuable ideas, Multics had a significant impact in the computer field even though it was derided by some critics at the time.
While forced to exile in France by the Egyptian government in 1962 - due to his anti-fascist ideas, Henein worked as a journalist.
Barnum became known as the Shakespeare of Advertising, due to his innovative and impressive ideas.
Due to his revolutionary ideas Pratap had a good relationship with Lenin, who invited him to Russia after its liberation and welcomed him.
A helpful mouseling, Marco sometime gets into jams due to Angelina's big ideas.
He is also said to be an ecosocioeconomist, due to his ideas about development as a combination of economic growth, equalitarian increase in social well-being and environmental preservation.