Some commentators do not identify Proudhon as an individualist anarchist due to his preference for association in large industries, rather than individual control.
While large enough to perhaps be dangerous, the bignose shark seldom comes into contact with humans due to its preference for deep water.
Additionally, despite its abundance, its populations are geographically patchy due to the species' preference for specific microhabitats.
If a female fetus is not aborted, the mother's pregnancy can be a stressful experience, due to her family's preference for a son.
Bruno gained his nickname and reputation due to his preference for conciliation over violence.
Due to China's scarcity of fossil fuels and the government's preference for energy independence, hydropower is an attractive option.
He was called el Cazador (the Hunter) due to his preference for sport and hunting over affairs of state.
Common fishing zones are in the southern Atlantic due to the fish's preference for a subtropical climate, but it is also found in the Mediterranean.
Due to their preference for small fish and insects, fly fisherman are at a large advantage.
Although its seeds fall close to the maternal plant, C. ladanifer may have successfully dispersed due to its preference for disturbed habitats.